Blogs // Marian Farkas
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23.05.2013 11:45

1,Information Service
For the members of SCCOC-SINACO, we provide the consulting and counselling service connected to trading. We can especially assist with such areas as legal system, regulations, current taxation laws, trade support and international cooperation.
We also provide information from the trade support institutions, eg. SARIO, SOPK etc.
We can distribute the provided information in the framework of SCCOC-SINACO cooperation with our business partners in Slovakia and China.
We inform the members of SCCOC-SINACO effectively, we discuss their specific requirements with their target partners we are in charge of the international export and import cooperation between the Slovak Republic and China.
Via email, we always send the current business information based on the needs of business partners, their offer and demand.
We regularly process the offer and demand of the open entrepreneurship projects for the businessman of Slovak republic and China.
2,Negotiating on your behalf
We are entering into negotiations between the governmental institutions and the local governments of the both countries and we actively defend the interests of the companies and individual members of our business chamber.
With the preliminary contest of its members, the business chamber takes care of the promotion and business information campaign targeted on their potential Slovak and Chinese business partners.
3,Reputation and public relations
SCCOC-SINACO members are the integral part of the union of entrepreneurs who cooperate together, solving out the most crucial questions of trading, such as competition and business environment in China.
Together, we support the interests of our members in the frame of the regions of the both countries. We also organize the business meetings of our members with the officials from governmental institutions, local governments of the both countries and various experts.
4,International cooperation
SCCOC-SINACO cooperates with business chambers in China. Due to many useful contracts, we can provide effective support to our members and their business activities.
We negotiate on behalf of our membership companies with the organization for business support in China.
We cooperate with institutions, such as SARIO and SOPK, that support international business cooperation, export and import of the goods and services in Slovakia.
While processing the international offer and demand, our business chamber is using its own database of the members of the business companies.
5,Business partner selection
If you are considering business activities in China, and you still do not know how to search the export / import business partners, investors and institution areas, we offer an effective piece of advice. And we can seek the particular Chinese companies that shall meet your specific requirements.
We can also provide the summarizing analyses of the most suitable business partners for you. The analyses shall include the identification details of the Chinese company, including its proved contacts, signature of its production, technical parametres of the products, description of the services and the basic pricelist with photodocumentation.
6,Support of the sales of technologies or products and of the execution of investment plans.
Do you plan to sell technology, product or an interesting investment project? We can help with the first contact; we take care of the phone and e-mail communication while taking into account specific aspects of the Chinese etiquette and its business protocol. Your company will also be included into export and import database of goods and services, database of investment projects and database of the verified subjects. Of course we shall provide the communication services in Chinese and English language. On your request, we can translate all the necessary documents and our interpreters are always available for you.
7,Verification of the companies
The successful execution of the business transaction requires the in-depth knowledge of the Chinese business partner. Such knowledge is the basic condition of the new, long-term cooperation.
SCCOC-SINACO can check the Chinese business subject for you. We can also check whether they are running the internet shop or the website with the valid licence.
We can also figure out whether the subject possesses a valid registered address and contact information and whether it shows any signs of susceptible behaviour. Of course we also provide deeper insights into the top management, company profile, bank account details, certification of the goods, trademark and overall financial status of the company.
While trading with China, it is advisable to stay alert and be cautious. Recently, there have been the cases of monkey business. A swindling company, pretending to need money in order to sell products, requires our exporters to pay in advance.
Most frequently, they contact the Slovak production or export company and they claim their interest in selling goods worth of the large sum without specifying technical details. Then, the Chinese company accepts the offer and invites the exporter on a business trip to China. The meeting takes place either in hotel or in a rented office. During this meeting, the Chinese partner asks you to sign the contract as soon as possible. Almost as a rule, they ask for a payment of the contract sum in the proportion 30% during signature and 70% after the delivery of the products. Such meeting is followed by the expensive business lunch paid by the buying partner, and by the request for provision payment that is usually several thousand dollars cash. After receiving such money, the Chinese partner abruptly stops the communication with the Slovak company.
8,Translation and interpretation services
Our business chamber can provide translation and interpretation services in Slovak Republic as well as during the business trip in China. We can also assist during the telephone and email communication with the Chinese partner.
9,Transportation of the goods
The complete processing of the business case includes the execution of export and import. For our members, we provide the complete expert counselling as well as the air, marine and combined transportation of the products, cooperating with the best known companies.
The transport of the goods is always arranged in cooperation with SCCOC-SINACO, according to the international laws and regulations.
The delivery of the goods is arranged in cooperation with the business chamber and during the whole transportation period, the international norms and regulations are followed. Due to the optimalization of the trading paths, the transport only takes minimum amount of time.
10,Complaint process in China
Even though we help you to select and check your business partner most carefully, you might encounter the situation that requires the complaint of your goods. While lodging the complaint, we can give you a useful piece of advice and arrange the help in cooperation with the institutions of PRC.
And one extra reason – the preparation of the business trip
The business trip to China requires the careful preparation. The business negotiations in Europe and in China are different. The most important different aspects are the social etiquette and the business protocol.
Therefore, our clients have an opportunity to listen to the general and special lectures on business protocol and political etiquette. Such knowledge can guide you when meeting your Chinese business partner personally.
On your request, we are ready to train your team on your premises.
We can also assist with the preparation of your business trip: we can arrange your flight to and within The People’s Republic of China. We can arrange safe accommodation with qualities your desire in the verified hotel as well as the local transports.
Of course we can provide the guide and the translator, and we shall prepare preliminary calculation of the prices.
For the professional groups, local and regional councils or entrepreneur groups, we can also organize the business trade mission. The preparation of the business trade mission include the complex arrangement of the budget list, organization and realization of business negotiations with business chambers and unions as well as the preparation and realization of the negotiations with regional investment agencies and the institutions for international cooperation. Of course we can also arrange the factory tours and participation of the companies on the markets, exhibition and specialized conferences.