Mobile applications

Mobile phone application
Let's learn vocabulary related to travelling with different means of transport.

Mobile phone application
This lesson will show you how to book a hotel, provide and learn necessary information about your stay. We will start with making a reservation, then check in and finish with leaving the hotel.
Food & Drink

Mobile phone application
Let's learn about food and drinks, ordering a meal in a restaurant and flavors.

Mobile phone application
In this section we will learn about asking for directions and buying tickets.
Health & Safety

Mobile phone application
In this section, we will learn about buying medicines and going to the doctor.
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Pierre GANDON05.11.2019 20:04je trouve que ce site est peu attractif. En effet, je me suis d abord inscrit pour le chinois des affaires, mais impossible de visualiser les lecons proposee. Ensuite, je switche sur le tourisme, et la encore rien ne fonctionne. Pourtant l'Europe a des credits, alors pourquoi ?
ΕΥΘΥΜΙΟΣ - ΡΑΦΑΗΛ ΑΓΓΕΛΗΣ01.05.2018 23:34Χρήσιμο
Anna De Siena04.06.2015 15:51Sono un'insegnante di cinese e vorrei utilizzare questo corso in classe. É possibile averlo in modalità PC? grazie
Massimiliano Brodolini26.07.2014 19:01Non ho un cellulare android quindi non posso scaricare queste app che per me sono essenziali perché lavoro nel turismo
Lidia Maj25.05.2013 19:04Bardzo interesujące i pomogło w trakcie mojego pobytu w Chinach. Róbcie tak dalej